Sunday, February 28, 2016

Poetry: An Exploration

Good Morning,

Please read about our March English unit.
Source: Poetry Webquest online, class books, library books, resources online

Learning IntentionI can recognize and appreciate how different forms, structures, and features of poetry reflect different purposes, audiences, and messages.

Topic: poetry

Main Idea: reading, writing and memorizing different types of poetry


Task Description:


1.    go to this page to see and read many published poems for kids

2.    go to Poetry: An Exploration (please feel free to open up the text-to-speech program, in a separate window, to let you listen to the instructions)

3.     read through the assignment, it is complicated so you will be using our entire Daily Five block (computers and classroom) to complete this assignment.


    Enjoy, this is intended to be a fun assignment.

Love, Mrs. French

Friday, February 12, 2016

Story Setting

Good Morning,

Please read this week's Work on Writing Assignment

Source: your novel

Today, please read the assignment carefully. I will provide you with the Learning Intention and Criteria which you will glue onto the next left-hand side of your Reading Log. You will complete this assignment in the classroom:

You will record notes on your novel’s setting. The setting is the location your story takes place.

Learning Intention: I can identify the setting of my novel and provide examples.

Identify the topic
2) Identify the main idea
3) Identify the setting of your novel 
4) Notes: a brief description, a quote with a page #)
5) Print neatly and accurately (e.g. spelling)

Below the Criteria, write the following headings and then complete the task (remember, this is all completed on the left-hand side of your notebook)


Main Idea:


Task Description:

   1.    Determine the setting of your story (bush, north, farm etc.)

Example: forest

   2.    Find examples that provide details about your setting, record with page #
    -      trees: “Sam walked passed hundreds of tall fir trees.” (pg. 6)
    -      dead leaves: “The path was covered with dead leaves” (pg. 12)
    -      birds: “Sam watched the bird fly among the tree branches” (pg. 56)

   Do not double space your notes. You will need the room.

I look forward to reading about the setting of your novel.

Love, Mrs. French